The Thracian Tomb of Kazanlak: The Tomb of
Kazanlak is an exceptional proof about the building mastery of
Thracians and about the bloom of the fine arts during the Hellenist epoch. The Tomb was built at the end of 4th century B.C. and the belief is that it was made for a Thracian nobleman. Its uniqueness is due mainly to the frescoes dating from the end of 4th century and the beginning of 3rd century B.C. It consists of three premises - a rectangular antechamber, a narrow passage (dromus), which leads to a round burial chamber. The chamber is covered by conical cupola and is decorated with ornamental and figured painting. Battle scenes are depicted in the narrow passage. Two tribal armies are fighting on one side, and on the other side two warriors - presumably the chieftains - are engaged in a one-on-one combat in front of the armies. Two friezes are painted on the cupola walls of the burial chamber. The upper one shows three racing chariots and the lower one - a burial feast and procession. In that scene the attention is focused on the nobleman and his wife. The man sits on a throne, with a laurel burial wreath on his head. His beautiful wife sits opposite him. From both sides they are approached by servants (carrying fruits, scented oils, jewellery, and a mantle) and musicians with trumpets. At the end of the procession warriors are leading a four-horse-drawn chariot and the horse of their deceased master.
Next to the tomb there is exact copy of the chariot so the visitors can touch and feel this unique monument.