About Bulgaria

Location: The town of Hisarya is located in central Bulgaria, in the region of the Sredna Gora mountain range on 167 km east from Sofia, 40 km north from Plovdiv. This is one of the biggest thermal centers of Bulgaria well known worldwide.

There are more than 22 thermal springs with different physical chemical characteristics in the city. The water temperature varies between 41oC to 52oC and has capacity of 62 liters per second. It has low mineral content and is very suitable for medical treatment of numerous diseases of the kidneys, stomach, gut, peripheral neural system, diabetes, obesity and many more.

Hisarya is preferred tourist destination all year round. The mild climate, the curative and relaxing water turn the little town into one the best thermal and SPA resorts in Bulgaria. The town offers modern hotels equipped with swimming pools, thalassotherapy centers, restaurants, nightclubs, all covering the modern requirements as well as historical monuments which could be of interest to the visitor.

Places of interest :

  • Fortress of Hisarya (Hisarska krepost) – The walls were build by Thracian masons during 4th century. With their remarkable size, they surround square area with perimeter of 2.5 km, in whose south side there is a monumental gate. Inside that square area are the ruins of the roman town Augusta. Today bigger part of the old town’s territory is occupied by huge park with wide alleys and few scattered buildings here and there.

  • Thracian tombs – There are 5 Thracian tombs in Hisarya. The biggest one of them all also known as Hisarska grobnica stands at about 300 m southwest from the fortress wall, close to the mineral spring Momina salza (Maiden’s teardrop). It was ascertained that this is old Roman family tomb from 4th century, consisting of vaulted antechamber, staircase and burial chamber. The floor of the burial chamber is covered with colorful mosaic and the walls are decorated with picturesque mural paintings.

  • Archaeological museum – accommodated in a villa among old cypress trees, it offers on display objects found during the archaeological excavations in the city (highly valued bust of Diocletian) as well as a model of the old town of Augusta from the period of its higher bloom. Beautiful collection of amphora and other antique vessels are on display in the courtyard of the museum. In the left wing of the building a visitor can also see a rich ethnographical collection.

Surroundings :

  • The village of Starosel – About 20 km away from Hisarya. Here in 2000 was found exceptional Thracian tomb-sanctuary dating from 5th – 4th century B.C. Through a peristyle a visitor can reach an inner hall. Various objects found here could be seen today in the Archaeological museum and in the National Historical museum.