Traditional Calendar

According to the folk calendar the real spring starts on March 1st. Nature wakes up for a new life and rituals are carried out for health and fertility. The first day of the month is also named Baba Marta (Grandma March). The oldest woman in the family braids white and red yarn and makes martenitsi, by which people and animals are adorned for health. The fruit-trees in the yard of the house are also decorated with martenitsi. One should wear his martenitsa until he sees the first stork coming from south and then the martenitsa is hung on a flowering tree. You should not be surprised if you visit Bulgaria in March and see everybody decorated with brooches, bracelets and medallions in red and white. Today March 1st has turned into a festival of the designers of martenitsi, who every year create more and more new and interesting models of these decorations, which every Bulgarian carries on as a symbol of health. And if at any place in the world you see someone who in March discretely carries one of those on his wrist as a bracelet, then be sure that this man is Bulgarian or he has Bulgarian friends that have decorated him by wishing him health.

The feast Annunciation is celebrated on March 25th. Annunciation is a feast of all Christians and it celebrates one of the greatest sacraments in Christianity. According to the Bible on this day the angel Gabriel reveals to Virgin Mary that she would conceive a child, to become our Saviour and the Son of God - Jesus Christ. It is believed that on this day all wounds heal faster and easier and for this reason the ears of small girls are pierced on this day and decorated with earrings.